Integrated Annual Report of LOTOS Capital Group 2016

25. Employee benefit obligations

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Note Dec 31 2016 Dec 31 2015
Non-current liabilities: 25.1 168,537 182,252
Post-employment benefits 25.1 40,235 38,459
Length-of-service awards and other benefits 25.1 128,302 143,793
Current liabilities: 25.1 135,612 122,201
Post-employment benefits 25.1 7,096 4,224
Length-of-service awards and other benefits 25.1 14,219 12,184
Bonuses, awards and unused holidays 85,222 78,409
Salaries and wages payable 29,075 27,384
Total   304,149 304,453

25.1 Obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits

In accordance with the Group’s remuneration systems, the Group employees are entitled to post-employment benefits upon retirement. Length-of-service awards are paid after a specific period of employment. Therefore, based on valuations prepared by professional actuary firms or based on own estimates, the Group recognises the present value of obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits. The table below provides information on the amount of the obligations and reconciliation of changes in the obligations during the reporting period.

Note Post-employment
Length-of-service awards and other benefits Total
Jan 1 2016   40,519 155,977 196,496
Current service cost 2,445 12,069 14,514
Cost of discount 25.2; 9.6 1,033 4,076 5,109
Past service cost 5,674 (15,841) (10,167)
Benefits paid (2,113) (11,733) (13,846)
Actuarial (gain)/loss under profit or loss 25.2 - (2,027) (2,027)
Actuarial (gain)/loss under other
comprehensive income
25.2 (2,243) - (2,243)
Dec 31 2016   45,315 142,521 187,836
     non-current 38,535 128,302 166,837
     current 6,780 14,219 20,999
Obligations under length-of-service awards and
post-employment benefits at foreign companies (1)
2,016 - 2,016
Dec 31 2016   47,331 142,521 189,852
     non-current 40,235 128,302 168,537
     current 7,096 14,219 21,315
Note Post-employment
Length-of-service awards and other benefits Total
Jan 1 2015   40,359 155,657 196,016
Reclassification to liabilities directly associated
with assets held for sale (or disposal groups)
1,963 7,125 9,088
Current service cost 2,488 12,929 15,417
Cost of discount 25.2; 9.6 1,031 4,027 5,058
Past service cost (1,694) (6,323) (8,017)
Benefits paid (2,916) (12,497) (15,413)
Actuarial (gain)/loss under profit or loss 25.2 - (4,941) (4,941)
Actuarial (gain)/loss under other
comprehensive income
25.2 (712) - (712)
Dec 31 2015   40,519 155,977 196,496
     non-current 36,476 143,793 180,269
     current 4,043 12,184 16,227
Obligations under length-of-service awards and
post-employment benefits at foreign companies (1)
2,164 - 2,164
Dec 31 2015   42,683 155,977 198,660
     non-current 38,459 143,793 182,252
     current 4,224 12,184 16,408

(1) Given the different nature of the pension plans operated by the Group’s foreign companies – LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS and the companies of the AB LOTOS Geonafta Group – and their immaterial effect on the Group’s total obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits, those companies’ obligations are presented separately under obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits at foreign companies.

25.2 Total cost of future employee benefit payments charged to profit or loss

Note 2016 2015
Items recognised in profit or loss:   10,638 10,133
Length-of-service awards, retirement and other post-employment benefits 9.2 5,529 5,075
     - current service cost 14,514 15,417
     - past service cost (10,167) (8,017)
     - effect of foreign operations 3,209 2,616
     - actuarial (gain)/loss 25.1 (2,027) (4,941)
Cost of discount 25.1; 9.6 5,109 5,058
Items recognised in other comprehensive income: (2,019) 654
Actuarial (gain)/loss 25.1 (2,243) (712)
Effect of foreign operations 224 1,366
Total comprehensive income   8,619 10,787

25.3 Actuarial assumptions

 Assumptions adopted by the actuary Dec 31 2016 Dec 31 2015
Discount rate (%) 3.50% 2.90%
Expected inflation rate (%) 2.50% 2.50%
Employee turnover ratio (%) 2.33% 2.33%
Expected growth rate of salaries and wages (%) in the following year 2.00% 0.00%
Expected growth rate of salaries and wages (%) in the following years 2.50% 2.50%
  • The employee attrition probability is based on the historical data on employee turnover at the Group and statistical data on employee attrition in the industry. The employee turnover ratios applied by the actuary were determined separately for men and women and broken down into nine age categories. The employee turnover ratio is now calculated on an average basis. 
  • The mortality and life expectancy ratios are based on the Life Expectancy Tables of Poland for 2015, published by the Polish Central Statistics Office (GUS), and assume that the Company’s employee population is representative of the average Polish population in terms of mortality (December 31st 2015: Life Expectancy Tables of Poland for 2014).
  • The changes resulting from amendments to the Act on Pensions and Disability Pensions from Social Security Fund (Pensions Act), in particular changes relating to the retirement age of women and men, were accounted for. The amendments to the Pensions Act resulted in a change in the operation of individual benefit plans, giving rise to additional past service costs.
  • It was assumed that employees would retire in accordance with the standard procedure, as prescribed by the Pensions Act, with the exception of employees who, according to the information provided by the Company, meet the conditions for early retirement entitlement.
  • Based on the historical data, it was assumed that in 60% of cases death benefit payments represent half of the full death benefit amount. 
  • The discount rate on future benefits was assumed at 3.5%, i.e. reflecting the assumption made at the corporate level (December 31st 2015: 2.9%, reflecting the assumption made at the corporate level).

25.4 Termination benefits

In 2016, termination benefits and compensation payable in respect of non-compete obligation totalled PLN 4,994 thousand (2015: PLN 6,939 thousand).

In 2016, provisions for termination benefits totalled PLN 379 thousand (2015: PLN 125 thousand).

25.5 Sensitivity analysis

The table below presents results of calculations for changed key actuarial assumptions: the salaries and wages growth rate and the discount rate.

Initial obligation balance
Salaries and wages growth rate Discount rate Length-of-service awards Old-age and disability retirement severance payments Death benefits Social benefits fund Total (1)
base base 130,756 40,268 7,810 8,959 187,793
base + 1% base 141,423 44,311 8,540 10,610 204,884
base - 1% base 121,371 36,822 7,170 7,661 173,024
base base + 0.5% 125,387 38,338 7,451 8,256 179,432
base base - 0.5% 136,545 42,382 8,197 9,761 196,885

The tables below present results of calculations for changed key actuarial assumptions: the salaries and wages growth rate, medical care contributions, and the discount rate.

Current service cost projected for 2017
Salaries and wages growth rate Discount rate Length-of-service awards Old-age and disability retirement severance payments Death benefits Social benefits fund Total (1)
base base 10,176 2,213 629 388 13,406
base + 1% base 11,307 2,575 710 511 15,103
base - 1% base 9,203 1,916 561 298 11,978
base base + 0.5% 9,667 2,058 594 341 12,660
base base - 0.5% 10,729 2,386 668 444 14,227
Cost of discount projected for 2017
Salaries and wages growth rate Discount rate Length-of-service awards Old-age and disability retirement severance payments Death benefits Social benefits fund Total (1)
base base 4,110 1,173 252 303 5,838
base + 1% base 4,483 1,314 278 361 6,436
base - 1% base 3,781 1,052 230 258 5,321
base base + 0.5% 4,482 1,263 274 318 6,337
base base - 0.5% 3,696 1,069 228 284 5,277
Total current service cost and cost of discount projected for 2017
Salaries and wages growth rate Discount rate Length-of-service awards Old-age and disability retirement severance payments Death benefits Social benefits fund Total (1)
base base 14,286 3,386 881 691 19,244
base + 1% base 15,790 3,889 988 872 21,539
base - 1% base 12,984 2,968 791 556 17,299
base base + 0.5% 14,149 3,321 868 659 18,997
base base - 0.5% 14,425 3,455 896 728 19,504

(1) Given the different nature of pension plans operated by the Group’s foreign companies – LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS and the companies of the AB LOTOS Geonafta Group – and their negligible effect on the Group’s obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits, such companies’ obligations were not presented in the review.

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