Integrated Annual Report of LOTOS Capital Group 2016

Safety First

  • The implemented safety measures and procedures resulted in no accidents at work reported on the EFRA Project in 2016.
  • In 2016, we started to implement a uniform occupational safety system across the LOTOS Group under the Partner Programme.

No accidents under EFRA Project

One of our primary operational goals in 2016 was to build a culture of safety on the EFRA Project site at the refinery. Around 600 people worked on the site at the end of December 2016, and the number will ultimately double. 

We were able to achieve progress on the EFRA Project with no days lost due to work accidents thanks to a comprehensive set of safety measures listed below.

  • We introduced uniform HSE rules applying to all contractors working on the EFRA Project site. The rules were written down and made available to the contractors at
  • We tested and implemented the HSE Website, an innovative IT tool for managing safety issues under the EFRA Project.
  • We regularly issue an HSE newsletter to communicate safety updates to the personnel working on the Project site.
  • We provide opinions on documentation of the contractors responsible for unit design and engage in dialogue with them; we familiarise them with the LOTOS Group's workplace and fire safety standards; we provide opinions on the safety and health protection (BIOZ) plans and safe work instructions; we update internal procedures.
  • We put in place a programme of weekly HSE inspections of the construction site with the participation on the EFRA Project director.
    • For the purposes of the EFRA Project we procured a dedicated ambulance with resuscitation equipment (in addition to the physician-staffed ambulance that is always on a standby basis at the refinery). The ambulance is staffed with two paramedics and is available every day of the week except Sunday.
  • We implemented the 'Working Safely' incentive programme to recognise those who have become EFRA Project safety ambassadors because of their outstanding on-the-job safety performance.
  • We enhanced supervision by the HSE team of contractors working on the construction site, with at least one HSE specialist covering every 80 EFRA Project contractor employees.
  • The contractors are required to hold weekly meetings for their personnel dedicated solely to HSE matters.
  • We ran a series of training and communication events that contributed to the building of a safety culture on the Project site. These included:
    • ”Demo Bus” - mobile Training Unit at the refinery
      To maximise the number of EFRA Project personnel participating in safety education events, we staged the events on the construction site using a mobile training unit. The key topic was eye protection as it raised the most concerns among personnel. During the meetings, experts talked from the deck of the mobile unit about the different types of safety glasses available in the market and shared tips on how to find the type that suits individual needs and helped to decode the signs and symbols on the glasses. The initiative included a contest to find the best slogan promoting eye protection among contractors.
    • Global Day for Health and Safety
      We celebrated the event with two days of training, lectures and presentations for EFRA Project personnel, both from the LOTOS Group and persons hired by the subcontractors. The programme included an internal training session for HSE management personnel including the members of the EFRA Project Execution and Engineering Support Office teams. The training covered HSE and responsibility during the investment process as well as key safety requirements for the EFRA Project. It also included workshops, simulations and hands-on presentations for construction workers, particularly those most exposed to a fall hazard.
    • 7th Workplace Health and Safety Days, organised to educate staff on HSE matters. The event took place at the refinery and in other locations, and it included the 'All Arounder' HSE knowledge competition for two-member teams of LOTOS Group employees.

HSE system harmonisation − the Partner Programme

In 2016, we started to introduce a uniform occupational safety system across the LOTOS Group under what we call the Partner Programme

Its purpose is to:

  • provide advice, exchange knowledge, experience and best practices between the representatives of the different companies,
  • work out uniform interpretations of law and implement Group-wide uniform safety system initiatives, 
  • create a base facilitating the development of a uniform system through regular on-site visits serving to get an insight into the nature of work and hazards at the facilities of individual LOTOS Group companies,
  • jointly search for solutions to safety issues, 
  • build a culture of safety at the organisation.

During meetings held under the Partner Programme, company representatives presented updates on actions taken, as well as on current HSE issues and challenges. The starting point for any discussion concerning the organizational culture and the culture of safety were their deep roots in the LOTOS Group's Code of Ethics and our key values of respect, transparency, cooperation and professionalism.

2016  2015 
Women Men Women Men
Total workplace accidents 1 6 2 11
Total fatalities 0 0 0 0
Severe injuries 0 0 0 0
Minor injuries 1 6 2 11
Total injured in accidents 7 13
Number of accidents by activity (e.g. road transport, air transport, construction activities, etc.) 2016  2015
Cause: Number of accidents Number of accidents
Moving on foot 2 5
Use of machinery and equipment 3 5
Driving, using means of transport 1 3
Transport 1 0

Our regular efforts promoting HSE education are bringing tangible results – we recorded lower number of accidents at work, lower accident rate and absenteeism caused by accidents in 2016.

Incidence rate (IR, calculated as total number of injured during accident /headcount x 1,000)
Women Men Total
2.30 6.40 5.10
Women Men Total
4.71 11.87 9.62
Total number of working days lost due to workplace accidents (LDR, calculated as the ratio of total days lost to scheduled working hours in the reporting period*200,000)
Women Men Total
25.63 15.84 19.06
Women Men Total
31.48 64.61 53.78
Accident severity rate (days lost/number of accidents)
Women Men Total
112.00 23.5 36.14
Women Men Total
67.00 51.45 53.85
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