Our environmental performance
[OG1] [G4-EN6] [G4-EN14]In 2016, we consistently pursued initiatives to bring down energy consumption, as it represents the largest item of the LOTOS Group's operating expenses. Therefore, reducing the amounts of energy consumed by our plants is the key objective of our Energy Management System (EnMS), based on ISO 50001, and our Energy Policy.
- The EnMS System allows us to monitor energy efficiency of the units and the intermediate processes they perform on an ongoing basis. The Energy Efficiency Team analyses their individual areas and engages in activities aimed at reducing energy consumption. Energy consuming machinery is monitored in a comprehensive and regular manner in order to maintain high efficiency of heat transfer in technological processes.
- Energy intensity is monitored on an ongoing basis during the respective industrial processes to ensure the highest possible adequacy of operational efficiency assessment in our crude oil processing activities. Our organisation undergoes an energy audit to identify potential for efficiencies and areas where undertaking organisational, overhaul or investment initiatives is most likely to bring energy savings and economic benefits.
To sum up, our energy efficiency efforts and the procedures we have implemented in recent years and are continuously improving involve:
- Rational use of energy,
- Optimum use of technological processes,
- Maintaining proper technical condition of the energy-consuming infrastructure,
- Energy efficiency improvement projects,
- Procurement of services and assets taking into account their energy intensity's effect on long-term costs of their use.
Energy consumption within the organisation
Amount (GJ) | ||
Total consumption of energy from non-renewable sources (own or purchased) |
coal | 274,453 |
natural gas | 7,909,737 | |
Diesel oil | 623,026 | |
fuel gas | 12,802,988 | |
residual, special, reservoir gas | 3,825,240 | |
heavy fuel oil | 0 | |
light fuel oil | 1,364,562 | |
marine oil | 0 | |
LPG (if used for heat generation) | 0 | |
Total | Total consumption | 26,800,006 |
Total consumption of energy from renewable sources (own or purchased) |
0 | |
Total | Total consumption | 0 |
Total consumption of purchased energy | electricity | 6,047,734 |
heat (including steam and cooling) | 127, 187 | |
Total | Total consumption | 6,174, 921 |
Total electricity sales | 171,059 | |
Total sales of self-produced energy | Total heat sales (net) | 299,037 |
Total sales of cooling energy | 0 | |
Total sales of steam | 208,953 | |
Total | Sales | 679,049 |
Total energy consumption within the organisation | 32,295,878 |
Our economic use of water resources is based on relevant water use and integrated permits. Analyses of the environmental impact of our water abstraction activities confirm that they have no material effect on any protected sites or areas of great environmental value, and that the amount of water abstracted is substantially below permitted volumes.
[G4-EN8]Water withdrawal by source
Total volume of water withdrawn by the Company, by source | [cubic metres] |
Water from rivers | 3,983,623.0 |
Water from lakes | 0.0 |
Seawater | 557,229.6 |
Water from wetlands | 0.0 |
Ground water | 370,705.0 |
Rainwater collected directly and stored by the organisation | 0.0 |
Municipal water | 314,354.8 |
Waste water from another organisation | 0.0 |
TOTAL | 5,225,912.4 |
Processes consuming large quantities of water:
- CHP plant: utilities production (Grupa LOTOS) − 2,984,550.0 cubic metres
- Refinery: circulatory cooling water (Grupa LOTOS) − 1,409,420.0 cubic metres
- Injection of seawater into the B3+B8 reservoir (LOTOS Petrobaltic) − 557,229.6 cubic metres
- Production of decarbonized water (LOTOS Infrastruktura) − 270,659.0 cubic metres
- CHP plant, heating and process steam generation (RCEkoenergia) − 135,766.0 cubic metres
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused
Volume (cubic metres) | TOTAL |
Total volume of water withdrawn by the organisation | 8,989,958.4 |
Volume of water recycled or reused | 4,334,196.6 |
Share of water recycled or reused in the total volume of water withdrawn by the organisation | 48.2% |
Our operations do not have a negative impact on biodiversity at the refinery's site or in its immediate vicinity, as confirmed by a wildlife survey. The LOTOS Group investigated its impact on biodiversity over the past few years as part of its CSR strategy effective until 2015.
In 2014 and 2015, we conducted a comprehensive wildlife survey on the grounds of our refinery and in surrounding areas and we identified the most valuable nature conservation areas. The survey report will be a starting point for monitoring activities planned to be taken after completion of the EFRA Project (2018).
In 2016, there was no need for work on biodiversity issues in or around the refinery.
[OG4]Number and percentage of significant operating sites in which biodiversity risk has been assessed and monitored
Total number of significant operating sites | Number of significant operating sites where biodiversity risk has been assessed |
Percentage of significant operating sites where biodiversity risk has been assessed |
1 | 1 | 100% |
Total number of significant operating sites exposed to biodiversity risk |
Percentage of significant operating sites exposed to biodiversity risk | Number of significant operating sites exposed to biodiversity risk in which Biodiversity Action Plans have been implemented and monitored |
1 | 1 | 0% |
Volume of flared and vented hydrocarbons
Location | Volume of flare gas ['000 cubic metres] |
Volume of vented gas ['000 cubic metres] |
Poland | 7,238.81 | 0 |
International waters, Polish Exclusive Economic Zone (LOTOS Petrobaltic rig and BB rig) |
15,773.28 | 0 |
TOTAL | 23,012.09 | 0 |
Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
Grupa LOTOS' key operational site (refinery in Gdańsk) is not in or adjacent to protected areas. The closest protected area, the ‘Ptasi Raj’ reserve (Natura 2000 site), is located more than 4 km to the north-east from the refinery.
In 2016, LOTOS Paliwa added 11 service stations to its chain. Analyses carried out during the construction of new stations and inclusion of existing sites showed no potential impact on areas of great natural value or areas covered by the national biodiversity conservation strategy.
Energobaltic's CHP plant in Władysławowo, at the base of the Hel Peninsula, is adjacent to the Coastal Landscape Park located within a Natura 2000 site. The land used by the company is not part of the protected area.
LOTOS Geonafta produces oil and gas from onshore fields at five locations in the Kretinga district in Lithuania. They are located in close proximity to areas of great natural value due to aquatic ecosystems (Natura 2000). However, the area where the company carries out its work is 600−700 meters away from the nature sites.
The most critical source of environmental impact caused by our plants, both for the installations' immediate environment and areas located further away, is gas emissions. Therefore, we are most concerned to ensure that the processes involving gas emissions are based on Best Available Techniques and best practices reducing the plants' impact in that respect.
Since 2011, we have sought to reduce our Gdańsk refinery's carbon (CO2) emissions intensity ratio, expressed in kg CO2/CWT, every year. The target for 2016 was also successfully met.
29.1 kg CO2/CWT is the current level of the Gdańsk refinery's average emissions intensity ratio after it was reduced from 29.8 kg CO2/CWT in 2015.
The reduction was partly achieved by switching over to natural gas as fuel for the CHP plant and feedstock in hydrogen production, while reducing the volumes of heavy fuel oil used to meet the refinery's energy needs, which was made possible by the gas connection with the refinery constructed in 2012.
[G4-EN15]Direct greenhouse gas emissions
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions | [MgCO2e] |
Emissions associated with electricity production | 28,083 |
Emissions associated with heat production | 1,326,738 |
Emissions from cooling and steam generation systems | 47,322 |
Emissions from physical and chemical processing | 628,331 |
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) emissions | 0 |
Emissions related to transport of materials, products and waste | 175 |
Total direct emissions | 2,030,649 |
Operations/processes of particular relevance (where they represent a material proportion of the organisation's emissions profile) | GHG emissions [tonnes of CO2e] 2016 |
Heat generation at CHP plant | 282,019 |
Refining production | 1,617,919 |
Emissions from extraction processes − burning of fossil fuels to meet the rigs' energy needs and burning of waste gas in the burner head | 78,437 |
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions
Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions | [tonnes of CO2e] |
Emissions from electricity purchased for the organisation's needs | 545,560.3 |
Emissions from heat purchased for the organisation's needs | 1,115.0 |
Emissions from steam and cooling energy purchased for the organisation's needs | 0.0 |
Total indirect emissions | 546,675.3 |
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity
CO2 emission intensity | Grupa LOTOS | Energobaltic | Asphalt | RCEkoenergia |
CO2 emissions volume | 1,899,938 MgCO2 | 8,055 MgCO2 | 15,378 MgCO2 | 29,565 MgCO2 |
Production value | 65,289 Mg | 145,190 GJ | 673,593 Mg | 297,399.3 GJ |
CO2 emissions intensity ratio (tonnes of CO2/mboe or other production factor) | 29.1 kgCO2/CWT | 0.06 MgCO2/GJ | 0.02 MgCO2/Mg | 0.10 MgCO2/GJ |
The volumes of our air emissions did not exceed the permitted levels set out in the integrated permit covering our companies.
[G4-EN21]NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions
NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions | Total [Mg] |
NOx | 1281.32 |
SOx | 1852.049 |
Persistent organic pollutants (POP) | 0 |
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) | 66584.234 |
Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) | 3.3 |
Particulate matter (PM) | 298.633 |
Other standard categories of air emissions | 41244.686 |
Emission intensity in oil and gas production | Total [Mg/mboe] |
NOx | 46.338 |
SOx | 4.447 |
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) | 388.334 |
Particulate matter (PM) | 4.576 |
For years, Grupa LOTOS has maintained a high quality of treated wastewater. Regular monitoring has confirmed that the wastewater discharged meets the required parameters.
As in previous years, in 2016 we sought to keep the effluent parameters at below 50% of admissible levels, in line with our corporate CSR strategy effective until 2015.
[G4-EN22]Total water discharge by quality and destination
Wastewater discharge destination | TOTAL |
To groundwater | 0.0 |
To surface water (lakes, rivers, etc.) | 6,531,834.9 |
To municipal utilities | 220,882.0 |
Total wastewater volume | 6,752,716.9 |
Wastewater treatment method | TOTAL |
By the organisation | 6,531,834.9 |
By a wastewater treatment plant | 220,882.0 |
Total volume of treated wastewater | 6,753,186.9 |
Other | 470.0 |
We favor the most environmentally-friendly waste management methods, such as recycling and recovery, and we take firm steps to curb the use of methods that are harmful to the environment, such as burning without energy recovery, landfilling and other forms of disposal.
Therefore, we put considerable effort into having as much waste as possible collected by external waste management companies for further recovery or recycling. As much as 99.4% of waste we transferred to external companies in 2016 was reused or recycled.
[G4-EN23]Total weight of waste by type and disposal method
Total weight of hazardous and non-hazardous waste by disposal method | TOTAL [Mg] | |
hazardous waste | non-hazardous waste | |
Reuse of waste | 0.0 | 67.8 |
Recycling (including organic recycling, e.g. composting) | 51.,4 | 42.8 |
Recovery (including energy recovery) | 8,162.1 | 7,912.4 |
Burning (or use as fuel) | 1,044.1 | 20.3 |
Landfilling | 5.7 | 29.6 |
Discharge to deep wells | 0.0 | 0.0 |
On-site storage | 2,335.4 | 18.4 |
Other | 412.3 | 713.7 |
TOTAL | 12,011.0 | 8,805.0 |
In this respect, we follow the provisions of applicable EU and Polish laws and decisions. We strive to ensure that our waste management does not harm the environment.
[G4-EN25]The total weight of hazardous waste transported by LOTOS Group companies in 2016 was 23,378.5 tonnes, whereas the total weight of hazardous waste treated by the LOTOS Group was 13,954.95 tonnes.
[G4-EN24]No significant spills were recorded in 2016, but our production facilities are adequately prepared for a spill emergency, with each having relevant spill prevention and response procedures in place. Response operations are handled by dedicated in-house chemical emergency services. Any waste generated from a spill (for instance soil contaminated with petroleum products) is handed over to specialist companies for legal disposal.
We have taken a strategic approach to minimizing our environmental impacts, which is why the LOTOS refinery, our major plant, is now one of the most environmentally friendly refineries in Europe.
When selecting and implementing innovative solutions, we always seek synergies between the needs of the company and benefits to the environment, and especially to the natural world.
[G4-EN29]No fines or sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations were imposed on any LOTOS Group company in 2016.
[G4-EN31]Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type
Total environmental protection expenditures and investments | TOTAL |
Waste disposal, emissions treatment, and remediation costs (PLN) | 63,129,077 |
Prevention and environmental management costs (PLN) | 149,323,135 |
Companies included in the calculations: Grupa LOTOS, Energobaltic, LOTOS Asfalt, LOTOS Biopaliwa, LOTOS Infrastruktura, LOTOS Kolej, LOTOS Lab, LOTOS Oil, LOTOS Paliwa, LOTOS Petrobaltic, LOTOS Serwis, LOTOS Straż, LOTOS Terminale, RCEkoenergia.
Total environmental protection expenditures and investments | TOTAL |
Waste disposal, emissions treatment, and remediation costs (EUR) | 222177 |
Prevention and environmental management costs (EUR) | 8901 |
Company included in the calculations: LOTOS Geonafta
Number of grievances about environmental impacts | Grupa LOTOS, Energobaltic, Geonafta, LOTOS Asfalt, LOTOS Infrastruktura, LOTOS Kolej, LOTOS Oil, LOTOS Paliwa, LOTOS Petrobaltic, LOTOS Terminale, RCEkoenergia |
Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed during the reporting period through formal grievance mechanisms | 4 |
Number of grievances filed and addressed | 3 |
Number of grievances filed and resolved | 3 |
Total number of grievances about environmental impacts filed prior to the reporting period and resolved during the reporting period | 0 |
No grievances were received directly by LOTOS Paliwa, but the company had noise levels measured at its two service stations in response to two complaints filed with the local county governors. It was found that permitted noise levels were exceeded, and the company was served a noise abatement notice. Acoustic screens were installed at the two service stations in 2016, and currently proceedings are pending to affirm the company's compliance with the prescribed noise limits.
[OG13]In 2016, we recorded five Tier 2 process safety events as per API RP 754 definitions. All took place at the refinery, were associated with refining processes and caused no environmental damage. Thanks to the security and protection systems in place and the efficient operation of our rescue services, the incidents had no major impact on the refinery's operation.
In 2016, no API RP 754 Tier 1 process safety events were recorded at the LOTOS Group companies.
More information
Directors’ Report on the operations of Grupa LOTOS S.A. and the LOTOS Group in 2016
Chapter 7.3. Environmental protection