Integrated Annual Report of LOTOS Capital Group 2016

Process of defining the report content

[G4-18] [G4-19] [G4-27]

In accordance with GRI G4 guidelines, the process had three steps:

1. Identification − determination of key topics in corporate social responsibility and business. Internal documents and materials of the LOTOS Group were analysed.

We also reviewed many external publications and media information about our company. We took into account the trends and guidelines of international standards for corporate social responsibility and non-financial reporting and made an in-depth analysis of the challenges, opportunities and risks facing the industry and its players.

2. Prioritization − in a dialogue with internal and external stakeholders, the materiality of key aspects for the organisation was identified.
3. Validation − during validation workshops, attended by 27 representatives of the management staff of the LOTOS group companies, we confirmed the final list of priority issues to be included in the 2016 report. The materiality matrix below presents those issues by (economic, social and environmental) aspects, and at the same time allows readers to go directly to the section describing our approach and activities related to a given issue. The tile size indicates whether a topic is defined as significant or very significant.

Materiality Analysis


Financial condition, stock exchange performance, condition of LOTOS companies

Ensuring highly-qualified staff, acquiring and retaining talents 

Business strategy, future growth forecasts

HR policy, future of employment
Diversity and equal opportunities, non-discrimination

Consumption of raw materials and consumables

Reserves and consumption of oil and gas

Employee training and development

Key investment projects in the Upstream and Refining segments

Impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services (water and land)

Communication with and support to local communities
Spending on social initiatives

Key investment projects − innovation potential

Managing the risk of water contamination in drilling, refining, transport and other processes

Support to research and science development

CO2 emissions management
Air emissions

Innovative technological solutions, eco-efficiency
Energy consumption, energy efficiency of processes and products

Cooperation with suppliers − ethical, social and environmental criteria taken into account in procurement processes

Safety and accident prevention 
Health protection and promotion measures

Overall reduction of environmental impacts

Indirect economic impacts (infrastructure, services, impact on local economy)

Sponsorship − support to sports, culture and education

Fines and sanctions for non-compliance with environmental protection laws

Charitable activity − LOTOS Foundation
Employee volunteering

Corporate governance − ethics

Public policy − relations with public administration

Climate change strategy (opportunities and risks)

Environmental spending and investments

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